Sharing all moments of little AZZ in their journey to become big people.Diary from lovely ummi
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday sayang..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
tak sihat
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Just got this cute video from my younger brother..Arissa gelak megekek masa umur 9 months. yg tu Mak Uda (a.k.a 'de') dia, jadi 2 days nanny masa pengasuh off. yg kaler pink tu actually bantal busuk 'de', Arissa rasa gelihati bila nampak bantal tu siap dgn bunyi..According to 'de' Arissa keep on laughing until tired, u can see from video when she stopped a while to take a deep cute kan..Luckily they record this..inila kenangan dia bila mula pandai ketawa..
Monday, October 12, 2009
Aksi-aksi kebosanan
Tgkla muka dia yg keboringan tu..masa ni dia tak sempat posing..then buy the time ummi nk snap lagi satu..
Kami tergelak tgk gelagat dia..noticed the big white-coloured ball behind her?tu auntie Mas yg bagi before left.dulu dia takut bola tu bila bergolek golek..mcm nk menghempap dia..sekarang main sepak je..actually tu exercise ball, I should utilise it for exercising instead of main tolak2 dgn Arissa!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Goodbye auntie
Auntie Mas left to Melbourne to futher study..A day before she left, she came to our house to see Arissa.Arissa was very happy to see auntie..hopefully she will still remember auntie's face for next couple of years (dont know when we can meet up again)..if auntie read this, pls inform us once you back to Malaysia for holiday..We really want to see you again.isk, sayu pulak rasanye..Me, myself shared a lot of things with auntie Mas (I should write Kak Mas), since before married, when pregnant Arissa until my little princess 1 year old..So many sweet & sour things..She is like my sister and friend as well.Both of us (me&hubby)respect her so much. x sempat nak lunch/dinner together before she left, just makan kuih-muih raya (ade la 3 jenis kt umah tu) when she visited us.
Next month will be her birthday..I'm still thinking about the menu..Now practising cooking skill.Yesterday when nenek came I cooked mee kari..maybe some people will say..'ala...senang banget nak buat..'..but sure there will be first time for everything..and that was the first time for me to prepare the dish for quite number of people..and the taste..not bad okey!ramai yg puji..tapi yg kembang semangkuknye bila hubby puji..hmm..berbaloi baloi cilok resepi orang ni (sorry cilok dari someone's blog)..maklumla, bakat memasak xde, so kenala usaha sikit..nanti Arissa dah besar xdela dia segan ngan kawan2 sbb umminye tak pandai masak..bila baca blog org lain mcm kagum je...waaa...semua hebat2, siap publish gambar dishes la, cupcake la..kuih-muih melayu..aku tau aku tak pandai buat sumer tu but I believed everything can be learned.once we learned, we try it (provided all the necessary item ade la e.g oven etc)..So for first start I will learn, then try the simple dish, slowly buy the alatan memasak and then try out different recipe..haa...plan baik punya...jgn x buat udah ye ummi Arissa...nanti kena sebijik'hangat2 tahi ayam'..
Those readers yg terer memasak, boleh share something with me?maybe some advise ke..
p/s : To Sherie (bkn nama sebenar), I know u read this...mana blog ko wei??I'm still waiting.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Eid Al-Mubarak
Kenangan berhari raya bersama family..tgkla betapa cantiknya si kecil ni berbaju kurung..comey cik mek ni..
Ni posing meniru cara ummi ambil gambar
ummi, kak ida & mak su
Just noticed that we dont' have photos either with Tok Mek or Tok Ayah.Camera rosak so gambar sumer ambil pakai hp.xpela,next time balik kita ambil ok.masa tu sibuk2, Tok Ayah pun xde.
The touching moment was when Tok Ayah followed to send us to airport masa nak balik..sedih pulak rasa sebab dia tak pernah ikut ke mana2..he refused to go anywhere even jalan2 beraya..he is a very humble person, yet still a kind-hearted father..ummi dah xde abah, so bila tgk Tok Ayah...teringat arwah..if arwah still alive, he's 60 years old already..younger than Tok Ayah.he was a very strict man, garang sampai ummi pun takut..he was big and tall, like Arabian man size.he died on 1995 due to stroke complication.
Enough of that...x baik cakap pasal org yg dah pergi..what we need to do is to love whoever still with us, irregardless they are our in laws or what.They're consider our family since we took one of their family member as our soulmate..whatever it is,I'm sure nanti mesti diorang rindu suara Arissa yg asyik panggil2 "Tok Mek...Tok Ayah..."atau ..."Tok Mek g pade.." (padang)..
InsyaAllah kami balik lagi ok..perhaps next month masa ummi kena outstation to Kota Bharu..kalau jadi la.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Long weekend
walaupun tak tgk pun rancangan ni tp kalau ade iklan dia Arissa mesti cakp & buat gaya Tom Tom Bak cute..
lagi satu Arissa sekarang pandai nyanyi...
"Nur...Nur acih....." (lagu tema Nur Kasih)
"Aku cinta......o o o" (lagu Aizat-ni mesti belajar ngan kawan2 kat rumah pengasuh)
kelakar pun ade...yela, tu je dia ulang2 nyanyi..time happy la...kalau time mengamuk, abis ummi, abah dia cubit...abah lagi teruk kena, sometimes Arissa pukul2 dan tarik2 abah...x baik macam tu sayang..mesti jadi anak yang baik OK..tu belum lagi kalau mengamuk sambil lari melulu, xde break punya..sampai langgar dinding..pastu berguling..silap2 time ummi bad mood, kena cubitla jawabnya..lagi plak time cuti panjang..betul org cakap..budak ni kalau dgn mak ayah dia, memang buat perangai..kalau dok ngan pengasuh atau org lain baik je kan..
So tired today..
It was long weekend..full of activities.We got invitation from Xira (x housemate masa study kat UM) to have iftar at her house, together with some other friends..tapi pot luck la..I cooked meehoon goreng Singapore while hubby prepared puding caramel (yummy). We met her baby boy, which born at 7.5 months (due to complication) last June. He was big and healthy.Arissa macam biasa la...soo geram dgn baby.dia cium2 smpai baby tu rimas..Luckily he didn't cry, if not Arissa already kena cubit dgn abah. Then another friend, Sarah came with her baby boy as well but this time my little princess didnt't want to play with him..I guess maybe because he's much bigger than her size.Apparently Arissa is a good kakak, she's quite gentle to babies even sometimes cannot control herself (geram punya pasal)..kesian sayang..nak sangat adik ye..sabarla ye..ummi pun baru recovered..Anyway, there was new members in our family..
The no 21st grandchild of my mak...
Muhammad Haziq bin Muhamad Azmi
After counting back, Arissa is no
17th grandchild (my side) and
25th grandchild (hubby side)
waa...ramainya cousins dia..and within this 2 years, Arissa got another 4 cousins, all BOYS.Imagine she befriends with all the boys, play together with them..the only little princess among all.
Anyway, we'll be going back for Raya next Wednesday...celebrating at Pasir Mas first..So for all readers, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..maaf zahir batin.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Secebis surat, seribu kisah..
Tahun kedua Arissa join ummi n abah menyambut Ramadhan..tahun lepas Arissa kecil lagi..baru pandai melangkah (note:start jalan umur 10 bulan).ummi ingat lagi kita pergi masjid untuk solat tarawikh kat sek 16, ummi tak boleh solat pun sebab asyik kejar Arissa..kejap2 jatuh sebab sibuk nak ikut budak2 lain berlari sana sini.try solat tapi terpaksa batalkan sebab Arissa start bangun dan melangkah (dengan gaya tak stabil) ke belakang..
Tahun sebelum tu Arissa dalam perut ummi..dalam 8 bulan gak..asyik tak larat puasa sampai tinggal puasa 18 hari (reminder:puasa ganti belum habis ye..)
Nanti bila dah besar Arissa mesti rajin puasa ye..jgn tinggal solat...jadi muslimah yg baik, doakan ummi dan abah..Jadi kakak yang baik untuk adik-adik..
Secebis kisah utk tatapan..
Ramadhan tahun ni kusambut dengan penuh kesyukuran...pertamanya masih dipanjangkan umur untuk menunaikan ibadah puasa bersama suami dan anak tercinta..bolehla menambah pahala di samping menajamkan skil memasak yang tak seberapa ni. keduanya, ada berita menggembirakan yang aku terima 2 minggu sebelum bermula Ramadhan. Aku anggap ini rezeki Allah dan sangat bersyukur atas pemberian ini. Tapi Allah Maha Penyayang..aku tetap diberi kegembiraan walaupun untuk tempoh 3 minggu sahaja..aku tetap dapat merasakan kehadirannya dalam tubuh ini..memang sedih bila menerima berita tu tapi aku redha..thanks abang untuk sokongan yang diberi..aku bernasib baik sebab suami sentiasa di sisi, tidak hidup berjauhan seperti sesetengah kawan2 ku..
3 hari MC dan keseorangan di rumah membuat aku sentiasa sedih..rasa kehilangan walaupun aku sudah redha..kata2 semangat seorang teman menguatkan semangat aku..beliau berkata janin yang tidak ditakdirkan untuk hidup di bumi ini akan memohon kepada Allah untuk berjumpa ibunya di syurga..kerana tak sempat merasakan kasih sayang dan belaian sang ibu..doa anak ini akan menjadi salah satu pemberat untuk aku memasuki syurga..thanks really strengthen me.aku cuba compare kisah aku dgn orang lain,ade yg lebih teruk bilamana kehilangan sewaktu kandungan lebih besar..malah ada yg tak sempat mendengar tangisannya..atau meyahut panggila Ilahi secara tiba-tiba..apa sangat dibandingkan aku yang hanya belum sempat mendengar first heart beat baby ini..
Hari ni aku dah start bertugas walaupun belum totally recovered.aku cuma rasa sihat dan mengingatkan diri supaya tidak membuat kerja yang berat seperti mengangkat barang yang agak is back to normal..banyak urusan hendak dibuat..balik memasak untuk berbuka (note:aku n hubby tak pernah membeli kat bazar Ramadhan), melayan Arissa, uruskan rumah dsb..
Cakap pasal kerja, aku ada cerita pengajaran untuk perbualan antara aku dgn seorang rakan sekerjaku yang berasal dari Vietnam dan beragama Kristian.
Mr P : Aishah, what is the purpose of fasting to a Muslim?
Me : That is what our God want us to's an obligation in our reminder for us to think about other people that suffer of starving, to be grateful, to help poor people by paying donation (i mean zakat)..
Mr P : Is that meaning you have to help poor people during fasting month?
Me : Exactly but not only during fasting month, it should be done when you are affordable to do it..
Mr P : Muslim must have extra money during fasting breakfast, no lunch but only dinner..For me, you can use that money to help will be more meaningful as you saved it from your meal cost..but from my observation..Muslim tends to spend more during fasting month..You all will buy so many foods from stall and spend money for shopping before Hari Raya..Then it will not follow the objectives as you mentioned earlier.Then what is the purpose of fasting?
Me : (I terkesima sekejap..betapa begitu pandangan seorang Kristian terhadap objektif kita berpuasa)...Well, it's depends on your sincerity and willingly to help by donate money or what.If wants to get points (i mean pahala), then we should donate. I agree on some of your thoughts based on the phenomena in Malaysia..We grown up, it just how we manage to do whatever God ask us..Not everything need to be teached in detail, it's up to us to think about it.
He seems not satisfied with my answer..I've tried to answer it anyway..not so good explanation but OK la..
Just untuk renungan semua..apa yg dikatakannya tu ada kebenarannya..seorang rakan sekerja aku akan bercerita kos baju raya anak dan isterinya yang sampai RM300 sehelai..macam menunjuk pastu tanya aku punya..bila aku kata takde, pakai mana ade ataupun adela sikit...baju tak mahal..semampu yg boleh..dia pulak cakap "aku anak 3 pun boleh beli...ko baru sorang...gaji aku pun ciput je.."aku malas nak balas...diam lagi baik.
ade aku kisah baju raya ko mahal sangat..sampai beli kat Jakel..
sebab si Mr P tu dengar conversation ni la yg dia tanya aku soalan macam tu..
Bila dah dewasa aku baru sedar...apa sangat nilainya pakaian kita kalau sekadar dipakai untuk harap pujian dan kekaguman orang lain..ade orang lain yang susah dapat pakaian..makanan..ada kita fikir semua tu masa tangan mengeluarkan duit dari wallet..boleh bergaya sesekali..beli pakaian mahal tapi tak payahla terlalu mahal dan every year..pastu bercerita plak kat orang...simpan harga tu utk diri sendiri je...kan dah jatuh bongkak kalau bercerita kt orang..Astagfirullah...ampunkan aku Ya Allah...aku dah mengata bercerita utk peringatan kita semua ye...bukan luahan perasaan aku semata-mata..
Thursday, August 20, 2009
1. moon (ni nenek yg ajar)
2.wait (sambil buat isyarat tangan sbb ummi selalu cakap pas mandi, suruh tggu dpn pintu bilik air sambil ummi ambil towel)
4.washen=wash hand
5.ayok...buat...=kalau ade bunyi pelik atau sape2 buat salah sikit
6.bucuk! (sambil tutup idung)
12.emot=remote TV
13.bukak, two,three...satu, dua tiga, pastu terus tujuh, lapan
15.lipash (binatang paling dia takut)
17.uwi=lori (dh byk kali ajar lori pun uwi gak disebutnya)
19.ipen=elephant (doc terpaksa bagi sebab nangis2 berkenan sgt)
20.nacik=nasi (lps kuar spital asyik mtk nasik je, selera bertambah alhamdulillah)
banyak la lagi yg tak sekarang dia suka panggil 'immi' instead of ummi...tak tau nape..satu perkataan je yang dia sebut clearly dari dulu sampai sekarang...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
3 hari 2 malam.......
Ni bukan lagu 3 hari 2 malam Fazley tu...tapi ni cerita pasal Arissa masuk hospital..admitted for 2 days at Selangor Specialist Hospital (formerly known as SMC)..biar ummi la cerita pasal I tak tau sangat ape yg dah jadi...
Ni cerita ummi tulis...
Isnin around 11 pm, Arissa was sleeping then suddenly woke up and vomitting on the bed..Hubby and I panicked but then we quickly clean up the muntah and Arissa. After a while she vomit again..until 2 pm..without thinking any longer, we decided to bring her to 24 hrs clinic at sek 15, Shah Alam.doc just gave some medication and antibiotic..the problem is she keep on throwing up even drink a sip of water..after get back from clinic she still vomitting thus it was so difficult to give medicine..
the following day both of us took a day off. we brought Arissa to another clinic concerning the vomitting became worse and she might loss water from her she refused to drink either water or milk..again, doc prescribed med and said it was a tonsil problem that made her threw up especially when she lay down. Her body temperature keeps on increasing, even sometimes OK. again, at 10pm on the same day we rushed to emergency SMC, unfortunately there was soooo many sick people that made us queued up until 2 hours..the Malay lady doctor just check ala kadar (is this kind of service we should deserve after waited like hell??). Surprisingly for such a big hospital like that got only 1 medical officer in emergency unit at this crucial time(???)..what a shame...I was so mad..somemore have to wait again while waiting in the treatment room..she then inserted anti-vomitting pill that claimed can avoid vomiiting up to 8 hours.I insisted my baby to be admitted, however no bed available..
The following day I took EL again...hubby went to work.I brought my girl to see paedetrician in the afternoon, my girl only warded late evening..I was so worried because her body was so weak until she couldn't walk..I almost cry seeing my baby like this, no energy, pale and crying..she used to be very active girl, talkative, smiley and fun..
so I slept at hospital, accompanying Arissa for 2 nights..tersentuh betul hati ni tgk dia kena cucuk, masuk air n ubat melalui tiub...She refused milk or any food..I think if not admitted, her body will totally dehydrated..we got 2 bedded ward for the 1st night but then I requested to change to single ward because our 'neighbour' was making sooo much noise..all the time..hmm..malas nak story lebih2..buat sakit hati je..
The next day hubby pulak took leave, bergilir..I went to office but my mind always think of my girl..tak sabar nk tunggu 5:30pm..I straight away went to hospital after finished work..guess what..Arissa started to cry once she saw me..she must be very bored staying in there.The good thing is she was getting better, starts to eat a little bit.So finally on Friday afternoon Arissa was discharged after doc confirmed she was much healthier and in good condition..nenek and mak uda took her from hospital since both of us working that day..Syukur Alhamdulillah...sekarang Arissa dh semakin sihat...
ceria dalam ward..
Monday, August 3, 2009
Faris & Farihin's birthday party
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Genting Highland

Me with bus replica. I followed abah posed (sit) while he was taking picture of me.

We had so much fun as abah drove the antique car around the park.
I wish to come here again, if possible with the whole family..faris, farihin, nenek, tok mek, mak uda, auntie mas, cik nor and all my cousins as well..
I slept all the way back...kesian abah..dukung sleeping Arissa in LRT..
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ummi + Abah + Arissa
