still thinking...
am I ready to be like this again??
large, bloated, morning sickness, heaviness, cramp leg
I am sooo not ready
but I love my looks during preggy :p
*got request from kakak..'ummi...keluarkan la lg 2 baby...boys...."
and from hubby, too
Sharing all moments of little AZZ in their journey to become big people.Diary from lovely ummi
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
this creature
sometimes i really dont understand this creature..
when we concern, they thought us busybody, annoying
when we checking their condition, eat or not, ok or not
they might think us like mak nenek
when we ask, they return by high-pitch-mad-voice
when we ignore, said us not concern
when they talk to other creatures, they were soft-spoken
but with their life partner?their voice like saying why u calling me?no need to hear your voice
i simply dont understand him
text no reply
call no answer
end up i was scolded
my heart broken
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Aina Zulaikha is 4 years old
4 years ago, at this time I was at Mak's house, started to feel contraction, pain, waiting any sign to labour process which expected to happen by midnight..
Today, this little girl has grown up..went to kindergarten as early as 3 years and 3 months old..and already has a younger brother..occasionally she threw tantrum, but most of the time Aina is very easy to handle..I love you my daughter..always miss your cheeky smile..even u always make me mad, ummi still loves you..
Happy birthday sayang..pls dont grow up so fast...
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
9 years together
Happy 9th Anniversary to both of us (1.9.2006 - 1.9.2015).Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati, memelihara hubungan ini daripada gangguan...dengan kehadiran anak2 soleh/solehah sebagai pewaris umat Nabi Muhammad SAW..Thanks for accepting me as I am, my lovely imam of my life..
Friday, August 28, 2015
klik klik klik klik...within 5 minutes, RM2.4k from salary gone!!!
house loan,personal loan, bills (hp, electricity), insurance, PTPTN,credit card,monthly kutu..
luckily I am still working..Syukur Ya Allah...
So balance money just enough to survive until next round salary
Nasib baik I jenis mkn bwk bekal from home..sooo save a lottttt of money..I dont need pocket money provided my car fuel filled and my smart tag as well..
hmmm...thinking to reward myself with a piece (or maybe 2??)simple and cheap Muslimah blouse from online website..I have been eyeing this blouse for past few days...come on...blouse only RM35..far from 2.4K I've spent...after all, need bigger attire to cover my gaining fat!!
house loan,personal loan, bills (hp, electricity), insurance, PTPTN,credit card,monthly kutu..
luckily I am still working..Syukur Ya Allah...
So balance money just enough to survive until next round salary
Nasib baik I jenis mkn bwk bekal from home..sooo save a lottttt of money..I dont need pocket money provided my car fuel filled and my smart tag as well..
hmmm...thinking to reward myself with a piece (or maybe 2??)simple and cheap Muslimah blouse from online website..I have been eyeing this blouse for past few days...come on...blouse only RM35..far from 2.4K I've spent...after all, need bigger attire to cover my gaining fat!!
Friday, August 7, 2015
Bosan dgn KPI x sudah2
semlm my Chemist bgtau yg boss ckp KPI sekrg dh deep inside my heart i feel like she pointed to me..ok, fine..I am under probation after promoted..but I have given task fact so much more..last time, before Raya I had argument with her..She asked me to check and translate every single words in the products pail label within 3 days..That job actually supposed to be done by 3rd party which company hiring, they have done it but...macam taik!!!copy n paste from others sebijik2 padahal lain2 product category!!
Me: Boss, I never go through like this, checking every single words.last time I just check the major thing like the Bahasa, spelling only.
Boss: That's why lorr...u need to check everything and translate back in Bahasa
Me: Then why are we hiring the agent if everything will be done by me?What are they doing then?Nothing!!
Boss: I also dont know.This is between Marketing and the agent. We supposed to check only and I already told them
Me : All this rubbish.They just copy n paste everything even obviously wrong. If like this better not hire them and ask me to do all from start!!
Boss : You need to give to me before going off for Raya
memang aku merampuss..aku g surau pastu meluah perasaan kt my bf there..bengangggggg...
Last week the sheets came again..and knowing I was pissed off, she softly asked me
Boss : Aishah, last time this translation, u have the soft copy right??where did u save it?
Me : aahhh...come again for second revision?I saved it in my desktop..U just give me, I'll check back everything..(betapa muka dia relief masa aku ckp mcm tu)
malas nk argue dah, dahla under probation.
Then just before Raya, she forward me an email..I need to key in 60 colours (60colours meaning 120 including packing), as summary will be sets of 60 x 2 x 6 fields= 720 fields need to be completed!!!
colours need to be predicted by Colorist first, then only I can make my move
one day I can key up to 10 colours if no other distractions (other things to do)
Phewww...letih...blm siap dia bg lagi kerja...dan lagi dan lagi....malas nk taip ape kerjanya..
Bosan dah ni weiiii...
mcm ni pon nk ckp KPI down?? dh mcm2 kerja ko bg ni
Me: Boss, I never go through like this, checking every single words.last time I just check the major thing like the Bahasa, spelling only.
Boss: That's why lorr...u need to check everything and translate back in Bahasa
Me: Then why are we hiring the agent if everything will be done by me?What are they doing then?Nothing!!
Boss: I also dont know.This is between Marketing and the agent. We supposed to check only and I already told them
Me : All this rubbish.They just copy n paste everything even obviously wrong. If like this better not hire them and ask me to do all from start!!
Boss : You need to give to me before going off for Raya
memang aku merampuss..aku g surau pastu meluah perasaan kt my bf there..bengangggggg...
Last week the sheets came again..and knowing I was pissed off, she softly asked me
Boss : Aishah, last time this translation, u have the soft copy right??where did u save it?
Me : aahhh...come again for second revision?I saved it in my desktop..U just give me, I'll check back everything..(betapa muka dia relief masa aku ckp mcm tu)
malas nk argue dah, dahla under probation.
Then just before Raya, she forward me an email..I need to key in 60 colours (60colours meaning 120 including packing), as summary will be sets of 60 x 2 x 6 fields= 720 fields need to be completed!!!
colours need to be predicted by Colorist first, then only I can make my move
one day I can key up to 10 colours if no other distractions (other things to do)
Phewww...letih...blm siap dia bg lagi kerja...dan lagi dan lagi....malas nk taip ape kerjanya..
Bosan dah ni weiiii...
mcm ni pon nk ckp KPI down?? dh mcm2 kerja ko bg ni
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kan best dapat cium kepala masam ni xyah pikir kerja kerja kerja |
Monday, August 3, 2015
how dare you
I seriously stressed right now
i mean really stressed
pagi ni pengasuh call, ckp susu abis..ok, i ckp kul 10 am i balik jap antar susu..
by the time sampai, pintu kunci, so i bukak sikit tingkap, takut ariff tgh tidur ke..pastu ketuk2 cermin slow2 sambil bg salam..tetiba dgr suara ariff nangis kt dapur..ooohh maybe basuh dlm seminit gitu tggu, dari pandangan tingkap tu ape i nmpk???
Ibu Aidah tu pegang ariff sebelah tgn tergantung sambil berjalan!!!boleh imagine??mcm jinjit beg plastik sambil Ariff nangis2 teriak!!mataku dh terbuntang bulat!!dia nmpk muka aku kt tingkap, terus ckp "oop!!"sambil lps tgn Ariff pastu baru dukung mcm normal.
itu x boleh diterima ok!!
sebab itu baby yg baru setahun!!!tulangnya lembut lagi.kalau terkehel bahu mcmane?kalau tercabut pergelangan tgnnya mcmane??siap ko!aku nk dpt Ariff sampai 8 Tahun menunggu ko tau tak??ko senang2 pegang anak aku mcm pegang beg plastik beli brg kt 99 speedmart!!
aku mmg terganggu sgt2 skrg...ternmpk2 ariff..terasa2 dia peluk aku sambil nangis2 tadi..i pakaikan pampers, baju, pujuk dia isap susu..pastu terpaksa pergi masuk kerja dgn berat hati...Ariff...kesian anak ummi...
Friday, July 31, 2015
Bayou Lagoon Resort
bosannya kerja..kan best kalau hari2 dpt bercuti..jalan2..window shopping...
tp gerenti duit xde kalau x kerja..lg laa x dpt bercuti, jalan2...
berangan nk jd boss..ade bisnes sendiri..butik ke..pagi2 antar anak2 sekolah..pastu buat housechores sikit...lepak2..amik anak balik sekolah...g butik, kira2 duit...amik cash..checking sana sini...pastu balik...walaweiiiii.....heaven...on the way balik singgah supermarket, beli groceries, window shopping jap..pastu baru balik umah...
berangan!!berangan minah jenin...
effort xde, duit xde, skill nk buat bisnes ape x tau
abis2 mkn gaji je la....
so berbalik pada topik asal..
x ingat dh bila kejadian ni...dlm bulan Mac 2015 kot...
g la bwk anak2 bercuti ke Bayou Lagoon Resort Melaka
Voucher mak ngah dpt utk apartment 3 bilik (no breakfast)
Biasala...kalau dah ade satu group kanak2 riang ni..harusla bwk ke taman tema, bagi diorang naik hantu main air..
tp gerenti duit xde kalau x kerja..lg laa x dpt bercuti, jalan2...
berangan nk jd boss..ade bisnes sendiri..butik ke..pagi2 antar anak2 sekolah..pastu buat housechores sikit...lepak2..amik anak balik sekolah...g butik, kira2 duit...amik cash..checking sana sini...pastu balik...walaweiiiii.....heaven...on the way balik singgah supermarket, beli groceries, window shopping jap..pastu baru balik umah...
berangan!!berangan minah jenin...
effort xde, duit xde, skill nk buat bisnes ape x tau
abis2 mkn gaji je la....
so berbalik pada topik asal..
x ingat dh bila kejadian ni...dlm bulan Mac 2015 kot...
g la bwk anak2 bercuti ke Bayou Lagoon Resort Melaka
Voucher mak ngah dpt utk apartment 3 bilik (no breakfast)
Biasala...kalau dah ade satu group kanak2 riang ni..harusla bwk ke taman tema, bagi diorang naik hantu main air..
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tetiba ade 9 anak (2 xde dlm gmbr) |
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view terbaik |
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tgh buli Ariff |
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dining hall...bolehla |
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aina pakai sluar pjg sbb bikini asik kuar bontot |
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seronok korang ye...abah x sampai2 lagi time ni |
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kencing sambil shower? |
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gelap gmbr nya |
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mak budak excited |
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
makan...makanan....nasib xde gmbr
bila dh puasa..mcm2 mknn teringin nk buat, nk mkn...
teringin nk mkn kuih cara berlauk buatan sendiri
teringin nk buat mee kari
teringin nk mkn ayam percik
teringin nk mkn nasi kerabu
teringin nk mkn sup tulang
teringin nk buat cookies raya
walaweii...byknya teringin..yg penting masa tu...kul 6:10 br sampai rumah..kelentungkelentang kt dapur dptla masak nasi, buat sejenis lauk dgn sayur ke..
punya google resepi, telan ailio tgk resepi org fwd...last2 masak ape yg reti je..
semlm buat mee goreng, nasi putih...udang goreng kunyit..
sahur dh 2-3 x buat nasi goreng je..tu je yg kakak lalu mkn...
kesian suami..i have tried my best...syukur dpt dirimu yg x cerewet bab mknn...
hari ni?
tekak rasa nk mkn mee buat kuetiaw sup sdp gak..utk kids buat spagetti bolognaise..
bosan gak asik mkn nasik je..hmmmm.......
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Rambling sementara nak ke meeting..
Tahun ke sepuluh Ramadhan sebagai ummi..isteri...a cook..tukang kejut..
Alhamdulillah...ketemu Ramdahan kareem tahun ni...semoga dapat berpuasa penuh...DANNNN menggantikan puasa2 yg belum berganti (Masya Allah)...
First day puasa, melompat bangun..5:40am!!!x sedar sebab hp kt hall, pastu tidur x lena sbb Aina asik nangis dan girls tidur xpe ummi dh set jam kul 4:30, insyaallah esok sahur mcm kesian kakak...knowing she's picky eater, so xnk mkn ape2..minum susu je..ummi n abah sempat mkn kurma n minum air kosong.
tgh fikir menu berbuka..masak..jarang sgt2 dlm sepuluh tahun ni kami mkn mknn bazaar ramadhan..cuma masakan rumah yg simple2 je..nasib baik suami x cerewet dan mmg suka masakan hari ni mungkin masak nasi goreng utk kakak, nasi putih, ikan kerisi goreng, sayur kubis goreng..n nugget goreng...cukupla kan..bersederhana saje..
semalam baru dpt result 1st term kakak...syukur...kakak dapat no 1 dlm kelas 2 Rajin..we are so proud of you Arissa Zahirah...terus bwk for KFC treat n beli set stationary (dlm RM7) utk hadiah dia...
Friday, June 12, 2015
here without you
A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face
I'm here without you, baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you, baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you, baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me, yeah.
The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go, oh, yeah, yeah
I'm here without you, baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you, baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you, baby
i miss u, DEEPLY..
8 days is like 800 years..the longest time I never see your face, hear your voice,no arguement partner..
Saturday...pls come quickly...bring my lover to me..
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face
I'm here without you, baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you, baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you, baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me, yeah.
The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go, oh, yeah, yeah
I'm here without you, baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you, baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you, baby
i miss u, DEEPLY..
8 days is like 800 years..the longest time I never see your face, hear your voice,no arguement partner..
Saturday...pls come quickly...bring my lover to me..
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Ariff Zulimran is 1 year
Blogging mojo dh hilang...mana mau kukutip kerajinan mengabdikan kisah anak2 ku dlm blog ni..kesibukan hal duniawi..
Dek kerana hari ni adalah ulangtahun pertama Ariff, maka ummi pon tulisla sikit kat sini...sebagai kenangan coretan kemuadian hari...
Kelahiranmu ditunggu...39minggu dlm kandungan...sakit bersalin masih tiada..
Ummi g checkup, Dr ckp dh boleh kalau nk bersalin...doc bukakkan jalan...pastu masuk wad..
kakak2 semua abah hantar rumah maksu sbb nenek xde kat rumah..
sepanjang mlm terbaring kt wad, contraction makin makin kurang gerak..CTG makin la antara risiko duduk wad.kalau kt rumah byk berjalan boleh tolong bukak salur peranakan.
sepanjang malam ummi x tidur lena..kejap2 nurse masuk check bp..abah temankan tidur sbb takut2 nk terberanak tgh2 mlm..
pagi2 lps breakfast doc suruh masukkan ubat berak lps bertanya dia advise induce sbb movement baby kurang, takut dh termakan tahi sbb baby dh cukup matang..
so bermulalah episod sakitnya contraction..sbb induce ni mcm dia paksa baby turun ke pintu rahim..air ketuban dipecahkan...tak tertanggung sakitnya macam nak patah2 pinggang..kaki kadang2 x rasa dah...airmata asik kluar je...
ade sekali tu
ummi: bang..panggilla nurse...sakit sangat rasanya ni...x tahan...
abah: sabarla yang...memang gitu la...tahan sikit...
ummi: tapi ni sakit sgt ni..blkg sakit...mcm semacam..
abah: tggu je la..sabar ye...
dlm 10 minit gitu, Doc Siti datang..
Doc: ni laju sgt rate masuk ubat ni...nurse!!slow down the rate...Aishah..u rasa tak selesa ye?sakit sangat ye?
ummi: ye doc
Doc:xpe, I bg u ok sikit (sambil seluk2 dlm tu)
tp seriusly lps dia seluk tu jd better...
i told u abah...something wrong...sakit sgt rasanya tadi..dh ckp tak percaya..I yg rasa i know what I feel..
lps tu menunggu dan menunggu
contraction makin kuat...sakit makin menjadi2
alhamdulillah...beberapa kali teran kluarla si comel anugerah Allah yg putih melepak dan obviously sangat besar!! paling besar yg pernah ummi hasilkan antara korang berempat...
dan yg paling best confirm baby ni ade bird!!!
my son...
anak lelakiku...
mere beta hey...
penyejuk hatiku...
Ariff Zulimran...
Blogging mojo dh hilang...mana mau kukutip kerajinan mengabdikan kisah anak2 ku dlm blog ni..kesibukan hal duniawi..
Dek kerana hari ni adalah ulangtahun pertama Ariff, maka ummi pon tulisla sikit kat sini...sebagai kenangan coretan kemuadian hari...
Kelahiranmu ditunggu...39minggu dlm kandungan...sakit bersalin masih tiada..
Ummi g checkup, Dr ckp dh boleh kalau nk bersalin...doc bukakkan jalan...pastu masuk wad..
kakak2 semua abah hantar rumah maksu sbb nenek xde kat rumah..
sepanjang mlm terbaring kt wad, contraction makin makin kurang gerak..CTG makin la antara risiko duduk wad.kalau kt rumah byk berjalan boleh tolong bukak salur peranakan.
sepanjang malam ummi x tidur lena..kejap2 nurse masuk check bp..abah temankan tidur sbb takut2 nk terberanak tgh2 mlm..
pagi2 lps breakfast doc suruh masukkan ubat berak lps bertanya dia advise induce sbb movement baby kurang, takut dh termakan tahi sbb baby dh cukup matang..
so bermulalah episod sakitnya contraction..sbb induce ni mcm dia paksa baby turun ke pintu rahim..air ketuban dipecahkan...tak tertanggung sakitnya macam nak patah2 pinggang..kaki kadang2 x rasa dah...airmata asik kluar je...
ade sekali tu
ummi: bang..panggilla nurse...sakit sangat rasanya ni...x tahan...
abah: sabarla yang...memang gitu la...tahan sikit...
ummi: tapi ni sakit sgt ni..blkg sakit...mcm semacam..
abah: tggu je la..sabar ye...
dlm 10 minit gitu, Doc Siti datang..
Doc: ni laju sgt rate masuk ubat ni...nurse!!slow down the rate...Aishah..u rasa tak selesa ye?sakit sangat ye?
ummi: ye doc
Doc:xpe, I bg u ok sikit (sambil seluk2 dlm tu)
tp seriusly lps dia seluk tu jd better...
i told u abah...something wrong...sakit sgt rasanya tadi..dh ckp tak percaya..I yg rasa i know what I feel..
lps tu menunggu dan menunggu
contraction makin kuat...sakit makin menjadi2
alhamdulillah...beberapa kali teran kluarla si comel anugerah Allah yg putih melepak dan obviously sangat besar!! paling besar yg pernah ummi hasilkan antara korang berempat...
dan yg paling best confirm baby ni ade bird!!!
my son...
anak lelakiku...
mere beta hey...
penyejuk hatiku...
Ariff Zulimran...
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